Why You Should Blog On Medium, And How To Grow Your Audience There: Data Driven Daily Tip 184

Paul Hickey
2 min readJul 31, 2018


What Is Medium.com? It’s a free place to blog from daily to weekly to monthly, but as long as you’re doing it consistently, it will do your business well.

As of 2016, more than 60 million active users were on Medium, and we have reason to believe that audience size has close to tripled in the last two years.

On top of that, our own web data shows that companies who blog on Medium regularly see the most qualified website traffic from it as a referral source, with more than double the average engagement from web visitors vs. other backlinks.

Translation: Blogging on Medium.com regularly with a byline backlink to your website results in more engaged users to your website, which will eventually mean more qualified sales and leads.

We recommend Medium.com to all of our digital strategy roadmap clients.

Now, here’s a key way to grow your following on Medium.com. At the bottom of each of your stories, there’s an ellipsis. Click the three dots to see “Add to Publication,” click it, then see which other Medium bloggers which larger audiences have chosen you as a featured writer that they’re allowing you to automatically share your content with. This puts your content in front of their audience, quickly and painlessly. A HUGE bonus for your blogging efforts!

Hit me up with any questions on Content Strategy at paul@datadriven.design.

Thanks for reading, watching and listening, and have a great day!


Paul Hickey, Founder / CEO / Lead Strategist at Data Driven Design, LLC has created and grown businesses via digital strategy and internet marketing for more than 10 years. His sweet spot is using analytics to design and build websites and grow the audience and revenue of businesses via SEO/Blogging, Google Adwords, Bing Ads, Facebook and Instagram Ads, Social Media Content Marketing and Email Marketing. The part that he’s most passionate about is quantifying next marketing actions based on real data.



Paul Hickey
Paul Hickey

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