Our Answer May Surprise You.
Would you really automate your personal posts through Buffer or Hootsuite?
I understand why businesses want to automate this process, but for real, you’re at a bar with your friends posting something to Insta, and you’re going to pause and say, “wait a minute, I also want this on Facebook, Twitter or Tumblr, let me post this through Buffer or HootSuite or Sprout Social.”
That’s absurd. Brands and businesses need to be as human as possible and as native to the platform as possible.
Being careful about using Instagram’s integration toggles is a best practice, let alone an automated scheduling tool.
We just caution small businesses against this, because it basically helps small marketing teams NOT do what they’re supposed to do.
You can’t work out your biceps and expect your legs to get stronger.
The best tool for social media posting is your own organizational skill, your drive and desire and discipline to post consistently, and the actual work as a practitioner to post natively on each platform.
That is not only how you’ll get the best results from a numbers standpoint, but it’s how you’ll truly connect with your target audience — which is the name of the game.
So the best social media automation tool is to NOT use a social media automation tool. Post natively to the platform.
Thanks for reading, and have a great day!
Paul Hickey, Founder / CEO / Lead Strategist at Data Driven Design, LLC has created and grown businesses via digital strategy and internet marketing for more than 10 years. His sweet spot is using analytics to design and build websites and grow the audience and revenue of businesses via SEO/Blogging, Google Adwords, Bing Ads, Facebook and Instagram Ads, Social Media Content Marketing and Email Marketing. The part that he’s most passionate about is quantifying next marketing actions based on real data.