How To Use Google Analytics To Make Web Design and Digital Marketing Decisions — Data Driven Daily Tip 173
I talk about it all the time. I live by it. My team now has fully bought in and sees the value. Clients are actually regurgitating my own words back to me in meetings. It’s taken about 4–5 years, but it’s all happening.
Our Web Design and Digital Marketing Process is working for our clients, and for us.
It’s a total contradiction, simple but complex at the same time. Using data to drive design. Using data to drive action. Stop debating, start doing.
Like any good digital agency, the proof is in the experience and the work, and the results.
We’re so in it, on a daily grind basis, that I’ve finally started to take some time to lift the hood and show our process.
This video shows how we use Google Analytics to make real improvements to websites and marketing strategies that result in clear action items.
Simple ones. Not expensive ones.
Once these action items are implemented, then the engagement levels improve, and the leads and sales are generated.
It doesn’t happen overnight. It’s an ongoing process. This video is a window into it!
Thanks for reading, watching and listening, and have a great day!
Paul Hickey, Founder / CEO / Lead Strategist at Data Driven Design, LLC has created and grown businesses via digital strategy and internet marketing for more than 10 years. His sweet spot is using analytics to design and build websites and grow the audience and revenue of businesses via SEO/Blogging, Google Adwords, Bing Ads, Facebook and Instagram Ads, Social Media Content Marketing and Email Marketing. The part that he’s most passionate about is quantifying next marketing actions based on real data.