How to Set Up Google Ads and Run Smart Campaigns

Paul Hickey
2 min readMay 26, 2020

As a web developer and digital strategist, I’ve worked with hundreds of businesses over the last 15 years, and just about every single one has either asked me about Google Ads or paid me to run a campaign for them or show them how to set up a campaign.

Up until about 2017 it was super complicated, then Google innovated and started drastically improving a product they called Google Adwords Express.

My content archive at Data Driven Design proves I am a HUGE proponent of Google Adwords Express for any kind of small business just dipping their toes into the Digital Marketing waters.

In this video, I go into detail about just how easy it is for anyone to start a Google Ads Smart Campaign (formerly Google Adwords Express).

Features include:
– Fixed monthly budgets with data projections on impressions, calls, clicks, conversions.

– Ability to have Google read your website’s content and write draft ads for you in seconds, which you can of course edit yourself before publishing.

